Thursday, February 17, 2011

Treadmill or elliptical machine?

Two of the most popular cardiovascular exercise machines are treadmills and elliptical machine. Go to any gym across the country and you will see the rows of each of these is likely. And if you're a regular real-gymnasium, most likely you've used one of these two machines.

But for those considering buying a cardio workout machine for a home gym or for regular use at the gym, it is often difficult to know which is the best. The short answer is that neither are better, because they are totally different, but everyone has their own advantages and disadvantages. Let's see some of these attributes.

What Burns more calories?

Many people think that because the elliptical shape of the limbs using both upper and lower body, it burns more calories than the treadmill, and in theory it seems logical. Full body workout, like skiing, rowing, etc. are considered the best cardio workouts that burn more calories in less time.

But according to Thomas Altena, Professor of nutrition and exercise physiologist at the University of Missouri-Columbia, who has conducted a study on the conservation of oxygen, heart rate, lactic acid and fatigue rate: "physiological responses associated with elliptical exercise were almost identical to treadmill exercise". Another study has shown that, by extending the length of an elliptical stride can be increased caloric burn.

Similarly, Brett Spottke by exercise equipment specialist found that an adult 150 lb will burn until 741 calories per hour with a treadmill and elliptical, 591 on all things being equal.

Versatility and ease of use

As above, because we both use elliptical limbs of upper and lower body, incorporating a full body workout, are more versatile. Moreover, and this is one of the most significant advantages they offer, elliptical machines are very low impact relative to the treadmill. So are better for a wider audience, daily fitness enthusiasts, the elderly and temporarily or permanently injured.

Contrast, treadmill put stress on the joints while walking, jogging or running. This leads to injury concerns, especially for the elderly and the wounded. Elliptical machines are by far the best choice for these groups.

Regardless of your choice, treadmills and elliptical machines are excellent that will improve significantly the level of long term fitness and health when used regularly.

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